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How to make a simple foam machine


? Foam machine also known as bubble foam concrete generator is to do the most simple equipment. Foam machine is able to foam made of a certain concentration of aqueous foam equipment. Blowing agent itself is not automatically become a bubble, it must be through the role of foam machine can become a bubble machine. We take a look at How to Make a simple foam machine.

? Gather about 15 bottles of dishwashing detergent or, alternately, some bubble bath and put the bottles by the trash can. Put on safety goggles to protect your eyes from the soap. Fill a bucket with water from the pool as it fills up and empty into a drain so that water doesn't run out onto the floor.

? Put the shop vac on blow rather than vacuum. Put the garden hose and the shop vac hose down into the trash can, and turn on the hot water and the shop vac. Hold both hoses in the can and squirt the bubble solution at the hot water to make foam. As the garden hose shoots water in, the shop vac blows water and foam out.